Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why I'm Such a Mess

Okay, usually, I don't like to delve into too many specifics in my online blog. Due to the fact that this website isn't blocked at all and my blog is, for all intents and purposes, public domain, I contain my more personal vents and rants to my private journal, which I carry with me like a security blanket. But people have been asking me what's been going on lately - why I've been so messy. And while I can't blame my moods of the past couple weeks on one solid incident, I can blame this week on one. [No names will be mentioned in here. I haven't sunk that low.]

On Monday night/Tuesday morning, I found out a lot of things about some person. Number 1, she can't be trusted. I told her "sensitive" information about me in confidence, and she told another friends of ours. I was upset about this situation alone, but it gets worse because the information reached someone else - someone who dislikes me enough without having another reason to say shit about me. It's a hard-hitting topic with me, and it got me where it hurts.

Needless to say, this person and I aren't even speaking. I don't even know what to say to her right now. Every time I see her, I can't even bring myself to look her in the eye, let alone say anything to her. Things are icy cold right now, and I've got the power to stop this. But I don't think I will, not yet. I'm still really upset and angry, so it's not going to happen, at least not yet. I want her to prove that she's sorry before I forgive her.

That's all.


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