Sunday, October 12, 2008

I've Been Delinquent with My Blogging

Sorry. College, as it turns out, is a major time-suck.

18 days until NaNo '08. -gasp- I hope I can do it. I'm nervous.

I love Alicia + Ariana [next door neighbors], but they need to stop blasting music while I'm watching The Breakfast Club.

Thursday night, I got hurt playing soccer. Friday morning, I found out it was a sprain. I got crutches + an Ace bandage for two weeks. Can't wait for October 24th.

I miss home. I want to go, either to W-B or Reading. Just..I'm so busy. I want a weekend off so bad. I want to sleep in a bed that's big, with a kitty or a doggy. I want to hug my BFFs [HALEY]. I want Panera Bread + Target + BandN all in the same hour. Basically, I'm homesick.


I watched the entire fourth season of House yesterday + I had forgotten how much the season finale made me cry, until I watched it again. Like, literally, laying in bed, crying my eyes out, over a TV show. Pathetic? Perhaps.

This is wayyy too random.