Thursday, February 5, 2009

LOL. I thought it was a witty title. Maybe not.

Anyway - updates!
-My roommate is pledging Alpha Epsilon Phi. It's exciting to me.
-I am missing the following items this semester: curling iron and can opener. I need them.
-My religion class is slowly killing me. It makes me crave the end of the semester.
-I'm craving windblown hair, saltwater, a wetsuit, a bikini, and a tan. I need beach.
-Quitting smoking? Not going well, for the record.
-The Kerry Club has more excellent adventures than you can imagine.
-Tongue piercings are addicting, and apparently contagious. A lot of people seem to be getting them.
-I've stopped taking sugar in my coffee.
-I'm much more organized this semester. I'm going for at least a 3.8.
-The hypothyrodism is now under control. The pills are working well.
-Now that Crown has started taking Diamond Dollars, I believe a heart attack will occur soon.
-I'm living with Christine next year. Towers, here we come.
-I still hate coach buses, but I'm ending up on them quite often these days.
-Purple iPod nano > oxygen.
-I've only been to the TECH once.

That's about it.
Also, I'm on a writing binge.
Sneak peeks soon.

xo, k

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