Monday, April 6, 2009

Freshman Year: Ruminations

Today is April 6, 2009. In 37 short days, I will move out of Room 460, Hardwick Hall. I will go home for the summer with teary eyes, a heavy heart, and a shitload of memories of the best year of my life, that being my freshman year at Temple University. I've learned so much this year - in the classroom, yeah, but the most valuable lessons have taken place outside the class. I have learned so much about myself and about others. And I have met the best friends I have ever had - and the best friends I ever will have. The friends that I can go to 7-11 with at any time of day. The friends that I can sing Kelly Clarkson with on Liacorous Walk and not give a damn about what anyone thinks. The friends I can tell ANYTHING to. The friends who get me to quit smoking because they don't want to see me doing something harmful. The friends who don't stop me from going out, but just tell me to be careful and that they love me. There is a novel or two I could right about each of them, but I won't do that. Just trust me when I say I love them, always have, always will.

I don't even know what to write right now. This is going to be a multi-part thing. So here we go...consider this an intro. All through April and early May, my blog will be focusing on this alone. Bear with me....


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