Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Which means 5 months + 27 days until I turn 19. YAY. Whatever. Anyway...

Today I was contemplating what I really wanted in life after Ann mentioned that it was indeed six months til Christmas. As I slopped some Ensure Plus on the counter [occupational hazard of LFM] and wiped it up with what I'm sure is one of the planet's more disgusting rags, I sighed and wiped my hands on my black apron and pulled a Sharpie out of the front pocket. As I was labeling cups [Ne+, He+, NR, HR, NHS, HHS, etc., etc.] I sighed as Steve walked past me. And as this whole colorful scene went down, I thought about what I wanted. So here's the list:

1. Steve. Yeah, I still miss him. Whatever.
2. A pink BlackBerry Pearl 8130.
3. A 32 GB iPod Touch.
4. A new car.
5. To have my college education completely paid for.
6. A grilled cheese [they were cooking, they smelled good, I was living in the moment].
7. A lifetime supply of Ben + Jerry's Cinnamon Buns ice cream.

Give me those things + I'll marry you.


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