Monday, January 19, 2009


He is BY FAR the SEXIEST man on Temple's campus. Yes, I am talking about the one, the ONLY, Mr. Phi Beta Sigma HIMSELF, Kenny Jones, also known as the RD of Hardwick Hall, also known as the one and only true love of my life.

For real. You don't understand how much I love him. His emails about suspension of guest privileges brighten up my day. AND THEY COME PRETTY OFTEN. And basically, his smiley faces after threats are really cute, just like him.

ALSO, I love when I see him eating in J + H. I almost get as excited as I do when I see Big Rob. <333

But as great as Kenny Jones is, Jonathan will ALWAYS have ALL of my heart.

-K :)
P.S. - I hope you can notice the sarcasm in this entry.

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