When I first came to Temple on June 30, 2008 for orientation, I was pretty much scared shitless. When I say I knew no one, I meant it. Not one single person. As my dad stood back with my luggage, I stood in line to register and get my room key and such. And I began to talk to people. I don't remember everyone's names and faces to this day, but I do know that they were my first friends at Temple, and we hung out for all of orientation. And, although we're not close anymore, I still remember the ones who I saw the most. Sunia, who was my suitemate. Justin, who is by far one of the most talented people I have ever met, though I don't think he gives himself enough credit. Beth and Marissa - NEPA Girls <3 - who are two extremely cool, extremely rockin' chicks. And all of the other people I talked to during orientation. They showed me that I wouldn't be alone at Temple. Even if we didn't remain friends, I was confident that I could make them.
I don't think I could truly write an entry on friendship without mentioning my roommate Rebecca. She's had to deal with a lot from me this year. Crazy math classes, my seeming inability to clean, my strange sleeping habits, my minor mental breakdowns, and my general craziness. And she has managed to make it through with me. We are definitely friends - better yet, sisters, since she joined up AEPhi this semester - and I'll never forget her. She's totally amazing.
So now there's my crew. The people here I'd kill and die for, anytime. These people know me better than I know myself, and they can always get me through the worst of times - and they can laugh with me while I'm having an amazing time. Individually now...
Amber - This girl is by far the craziest chick I've met at Temple. She knows how to have fun, and she loves to have fun with me. We have an amazing time together - 7-11 runs at 3 am, meeting new friends in the fourth floor hallway, hanging at The Reel because we're too poor to afford the real movie theater, terrorizing the Hardwick residents, and generally, just having fun. As much as we annoy each other, I love her to death. We are definitely great friends.
Emad - Oh man, THAT BOY. He drives me totally crazy. We have a love-hate abusive relationship - and I have the scars to prove it. But, in addition, we have a ton in common. We can both hold our liquor like you wouldn't believe. We are totally crazy people. We could probably date, if he liked girls. But, then again, I don't think I could actually deal with him. He makes me smile like crazy, and I love hanging around with him. He's an amazing guy, and I'm going to miss him like crazy, since he's graduating this year :(.
Kristin - AKA My RA. It's so weird to be good friends with your RA - apparently - but Kristin and I are hella close. We're both extremely sarcastic, so I guess people can never tell when we're actually being mean to each other - never -and when we're not - always. I absolutely love her. She's a great person to talk to, and also, a great reality check when I need it. I'll miss her like crazy over the summer.
Sorority Girls - I never truly understood what kinds of bonds I would make in this sorority until I made them. I have made amazing friends through AEPhi. If I had time to go through and list why I loved every single girl, I'd be here for days. Just trust me when I say I'd kill and die for any of them. In a heartbeat. Know why? Because they're my sisters. <3
Last but DEFINITELY not least, Kerry - When I say this girl is my other half, I mean that we were probably born as conjoined twins and separated. I absolutely love her with my entire heart. Right now, it's been three days since I've seen her and I feel so empty. She completely understands every silly little emotion I experience. We can watch the same TV show for ten straight hours and not get bored. We're not dating, but people always seem to think we are. I admire her, adore her, love her, and would do absolutely anything for her. We can talk for hours - but it seems like minutes. And yeah, we can get a little loud, but that's only because we are so comfortable being ourselves around each other. I feel like she has truly completed me. She's gotten me in touch with a side of me I've never really experienced. I have learned so much from her and gained a totally different perspective on life because of her. No matter what happens between us I will always love her and appreciate everything she has done for me. <3333
So college friendship, for me, is a lot more intense than friendships I've had in the past. We live together, love together, cry together, and exist together. We are all interconnected, and our lives intertwine perfectly. We are the pieces of a puzzle, and we complete each other and find new parts of ourselves. We go through this whole confusing mess together, and we come out together, holding hands and standing on top of the world. From the friends I have made - those listed here and those not - I have learned far more than I can comprehend or appreciate right now. But believe me when I say, the friendships I have have made this year what it is.
This poem describes how I feel about my friends here - I carry them with me, and when we are apart, I fear nothing.
"i carry your heart with me" - ee cummings
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it (anywhere i go, you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)
i want no world (for beautiful, you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has only meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret no one will ever know
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or the mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the starts apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
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